Lightening up the weight of the law

John O'Neill

One of the biggest challenges faced by the Victorian Law Reform Commission in updating its web presence was how to migrate mountains of paperwork – in the form of PDF files – into a friendly online form.

Like most organisations working within the law, documents are not only voluminous, they feature detailed, linked footnotes, copious indentation and formatting and various other forms of cross referenced information.

“The challenge the Commission posed to us was how to convert these long, complex, footnoted files,” says Ms Fitzpatrick. “The available tools still required massive amounts of time in human intervention or correction.”

Komosion’s development team solved the problem with a piece of bespoke software now dubbed the Komosion Konverter. “It makes our work more accessible and searchable, and reduces the amount of labour and stress at our end.” – Nick Gadd, communications manager, VLRC.

If your organisation, or anyone that you know of, is facing a similar challenge, we’d be happy to discuss making our new software tool available to you. Please click here.