Cyber Security Tips to Keep Your Business Safe

Five simple tips on how any business can improve their cyber security
Sue Johnson
General Manager & Principal Consultant

In today’s increasingly connected world, cyber security is more important than ever for businesses of all sizes. With cyber threats on the rise, ensuring your organisation’s online presence is secure is critical to avoiding data breaches and attacks.

As they say, prevention is better than cure so here are five effective steps you can take to strengthen your organisation.

Keep Software and Systems Updated

One of the easiest ways to improve your cyber security is by keeping your software and systems up to date. Outdated software often contains vulnerabilities that cybercriminals can exploit. Regularly updating software patches and security updates is crucial. Automating these updates ensures your organisation stays protected without requiring constant oversight.

Use Strong Passwords and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Password protection is a fundamental. Ensure your employees use strong passwords made up of a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols. Implementing multi-factor authentication (MFA) adds an extra layer of security, reducing the risk of unauthorised access. Regularly updating and managing password policies is a simple but vital step to secure your organisation’s data. And get rid of that passwords sheet! Use a secure password vault like 1 Password.

Use a password vault for better cyber security

Provide Regular Cyber Security Training for Employees

Human error is one of the biggest risks to cyber security. Regular training can help employees recognise threats such as phishing emails, suspicious links or potential data breaches. By educating staff on best practices, you can reduce the chances of an attack caused by internal mistakes. Make cyber security awareness a priority with ongoing training sessions.

Choose a Reputable Hosting Partner with Regular Security Audits

A strong foundation for cyber security starts with choosing the right hosting provider. Opt for a reputable partner, such as those using Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure, to ensure your website and systems are hosted in a secure environment. Regular security audits and continuous monitoring by your hosting partner will help identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities, giving you peace of mind that your organisation’s online presence is protected.

Regularly Backup Your Data

Backing up your data is a crucial part of any cyber security strategy. In the event of a cyber attack or data breach, having regular backups ensures your organisation can recover quickly with minimal downtime. Utilise secure cloud-based backups with encryption to ensure your data is protected and easily retrievable when needed.

By implementing these simple steps, you can significantly improve your organisation’s cyber security posture and reduce the risk of cyber attacks. Being proactive with cyber security will not only protect your business but also safeguard the trust and data of your customers.