5 simple ways to better understand your customers

Isabelle Thomas
Client Engagement Manger & Business Analyst

Here are some simple, actionable steps you can take to get closer to your customers and meet their needs more effectively.

Understanding WHO your customers are is the first step but one that is often missed. 

Demographic information like age, gender, profession, living arrangements, etc will be helpful but more important is understanding interests, pain points and the problem you solve for them.

Tip: Never assume! To paraphrase marketing great, Mark Ritson, you are not the customer – the moment you joined the company you stopped being the customer forever. Regular research and customer contact is essential to ensuring you continue to understand who your customer is and what they need from you. 

Visualising the entire customer journey helps you see things from their perspective. Understand the touchpoints where they interact with your business and identify areas for improvement.

Tip: Keep it simple and keep it updated – your customers’ needs evolve, and so should your map.

Surveys (e.g. Net Promotor Score) and polls are quick, easy ways to gather customer insights. Find out what they love and what frustrates them.

Tip: Keep it short and if possible do on a regular basis (keep it manageable but biannual is a good place to start).

A review of not just your website but your entire digital ecosystem. How are you making your customers’ lives easier? What role does each part of the ecosystem play? Are the parts working harmoniously to create a seamless customer experience every time?

Tip: Don’t start with – I need a new website. Start with – what experience do we want our customers to have?

Whether it is LinkedIn, client catch ups, or checking in via email, be in touch with your customers, remind them (however you usually stay in touch) that you are there to help them and that they are not alone.

Tip: Use your CRM (something like Pipedrive or Hubspot) to remind you to stay in touch – whether it’s 1-1 or an eDM, this allows you to keep track of and remind you to routinely check in.

Ready to take the next step in understanding your customers? Let Komosion help you understand – What experience do we want our customers to have? Contact us today to start transforming your customer experience!