Komosion launches affordable web publishing platform and consulting packages

To all our friends and colleagues,
I last wrote to you in May when I discussed the satisfaction we’ve been getting from being engaged and helping out our clients in any way we can in these turbulent times.
Last month, National Australia Bank published a survey which found smaller firms have fallen behind in digital capability. It said large firms adopted digital technology for key business processes at up to four times the rate of small businesses (which it defined as businesses with less than $10m annual revenue).
But COVID-19 has created the time, space – and the necessity – for most businesses to refocus on digital tools and technology. To support them, we have developed a digital maturity assessment framework and new web publishing and consulting packages under our Kanvas brand, as detailed below.
You will also see some links to information on bank loans and government grants designed to support innovation and the development of Australian businesses.
COVID-19 has made clear there are other ways to work – and that many of us have been working in the wrong ways … in ways that have not been good for our personal or business health and wellbeing.
In another part of my professional life, I’m involved in the administration of the sport of Surfing where we literally do our business at the beach. It’s such a great vibe and got me thinking: Why shouldn’t we aim to make the way we do business as enjoyable as the way we do leisure?
It’s a question on which we will have a lot more to say – and on which we plan to act – so stay tuned 🙂
Available now: Suite of Kanvas Websites
Kanvas is a powerful, easy-to-use customised WordPress Content Management system

We also have a range of related services packages to support businesses in the creation of Site Maps, Page Wire Frames, Design, SEO, Content Plans, Content, Software Development and overall project management …
Contact our Business Development Coordinator Rachel Rikkone to find out more

Government Grants and Bank Loans for business innovation and development
Check out these links: